Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm Not Sure Why................................

I'm sure why I worried so much about Blueberry weaning from his formula and becoming more independent. It seemed to happen over night. He hardly eats any more of his formula. He is enjoying eating seeds and the other treats I have put in his cage. He is also having more fun in his cage. I rearranged it again and moved some of his perches higher. He was always looking up so I figured he wanted to perch higher. I am so glad I did that. He is always hopping between the 3 perches that are at different levels. Just because he is almost weaned doesn't mean Blueberry doesn't come out of his cage. He still comes out quite a lot during the day to play. We also have our special time together before I put him to bed. I still can't believe the last 27 days that a tiny bird kept me out of the kitchen, out of fear he would see me and want to come out eat all the time. Now I can go into the kitchen any time and sit and talk to him. No more staying out of my kitchen. My worries are finally behind me.

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