Saturday, July 12, 2008

One week old today!

We hit the one week milestone. There were times I wasn't sure if we would make it this far with Blueberry. Its been a lot of trial and error with how and what to feed Blueberry but hopefully everything will be only up hill from now on. I have read so much on the internet of how to care for Sparrows and actually watched videos on You Tube of people feeding baby Sparrows. I guess you can watch just about anything on You tube. I still get that sad feeling when I think back to when I first found Blueberry. It just broke my heart to see him laying there with no feathers and his eyes closed wanting food. My son Alex age 18 and I work together every other weekend, so we rushed to get done so we could take the baby Sparrow home. And to think I didn't want to name the little bird in case it didn't make it. I felt if the baby bird had a name, it wouldn't be too hard on us if it died. It had a name before we walked out of the building. Yesterday Alex worked and everyone was asking about Blueberry. Its hard to believe how something so tiny has touched so many lives. I think I'll look at bird toys to see what I can get Blueberry when he gets older. What a spoiled little bird its going to be.

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