Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Looking like a little bird.

Blueberry is really looking like a little bird. His wing feathers are getting so big and looks like they can keep his back warm. His belly and chest are getting so soft with the tiny feathers coming in. He is awake longer and can be quite noisy at times. It seems like any time one of us look at him, his mouth is open for more food. "Feed me! Feed me!" I don't believe he is really hungry just 10 minutes after feeding him. He is standing longer and stretches out his wings. I'm still wondering about his little feet. He still loves to crawl, with a little help, into my hands. I let him do a little birdie hopping in my hands. I went and purchased him some safe bird toys and food so when he goes into a container before he is ready for a cage, he won't be so bored. Sometimes I think his peeping is for attention. I feel he is learning the differences between each of our voices. I am also still teaching him to be quiet. I go "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh be quiet" and he stops peeping. Alex thinks its freaky that he is learning things at such a young age. I'll have to teach Blueberry other things as he gets older. I know I always call my bird a "HE" not knowing whether its a female or male. Maybe its because I have 3 boys. I think its going to be fun to discover which one it is.


Kristen said...

Cindy I think this was a great "project" for you to do with your boys. Plus I'm jealous, I want a baby bird to take care of!

Kelly said...

Cindy, that is a wonderful story. We are going to have to keep watching how Blueberry is doing, my kids really thought you and your kids are really kewl....LOL


jorgenson1717 said...

Thank you Kristen and Kelly! Raising a baby bird from day one can be very demanding. They need a lot of feedings. I am so lucky to have the boys taking part in caring for Blueberry when I am at work. It helps alot knowing he is taken care of. When I am home, most of the care is left up to me. But then, baby birds grow so fast and that is why I am taking pictures every day. what a differnece from day one!
